* I am following 3rd ODI between England and India on Cricinfo. The two ends of the stadium are named as - Church end and Swimming pool end. How very Goan!
* Interesting stuff by Mid-day about how to be a page 3 regular.
* Sunil More, a cop from Mumbai, who raped a 17-year old girl in police station is finally found guilty and has been sentenced to 12 years' rigorous imprisonment (plus fined Rs 26,500 to be paid as compensation to the victim for the agony suffered by her. Am I reading it correctly? Few years ago, the government gave away Rs. 1 lakh each to family members of those who died due to drinking poisonous arak).
But to borrow words from NDTV's report - But the image of India's most liberal city, its most famous promenade and its police force, had been deeply scarred.