2. Also watched the Mangal Pande movie in the evening. Okish, not as good as Lagaan. A funny thought crossed my mind - It would be so ironic, if after watching a movie in which the protagonist revolts once he finds out that the cartridges use cow and pig fat, few members of same nationality in the audience have had beef/pork dinner in the Steakhouse across the street. So much has changed in 150 years.
3. Returned the book Zen and art of motorcycle maintenance to library without completing it. I usually do not like to leave any book mid-way, but this time I had to return this book within a short time and for some reason could not concentrate while reading it. Found it interesting initially for a brief time, but then later on found out that same thought is stretched across numerous pages. May be, will complete it at a later date. Also got few of the classics now that I have loads of time and started with For whom the bell tolls by Hemingway. Went to a quiet beach with my favorite Frappuccino and read it for few hours. I am supposed to work on my thesis, but these are last days of California summer :)
4. August 16, 2002 : I reached US for the first time on this date. So over 3 years now. I had a habit of kind of pseudo-retrospecting on such occasions and then kicking myself for not achieving anything worthwhile. I recollect that feeling when I turned 14. I was bit sad that 20% of my life is over and I have not done anything worthy. When I turn 25, may be I will think that best part of my youth is over and now my middle-age has started. But, now I feel I am not so significant to think along these lines. While thinking in this way might inspire someone into action, I know I won't change a bit. So why worry?
5. Got some further supporting data regarding my post Outsider and Insider on this blog (http://viprashna.blogspot.com/2005/04/outsider-and-insider.html). San Diego Union Tribune published results of survey conducted about Immigration from Mexico. While the first generation immigrants oppose stricter measures, considerable majority of second generation immigrants feel that there should be more stringent conditions placed.
6. Some photos from trek :
First two snaps are from 10-mile trek at Mount Laguna, with what Thomas Hardy might put as 'Gray of the purest melancholy' all around us. The next three were taken at Torre Pines State reserve with my friends Aditi and Anuj. The last one shows the toll taken by time on my hairline :)